Monitoring and probes

pictogramme représentant le pôle IT de OTO Technology
Learn how to better anticipate your equipment failures thanks to computing monitoring. Monitoring all of your infrastructure is critical to ensure the best performances and predict any potential failure.
Technicien IT devant un ecran de monitoring

Continuous IT monitoring to secure your equipement

Digital transformation and the use of computers, Internet connections, VPN, websites, servers, and software, calls for a comprehensive supervision to guarantee your business operations in the best conditions. To monitor your IT system, OTO Technology places probes in your network to make sure it is running smoothly. By doing so, we are able to detect in real time any failure, Internet connection slowdown, breach of security that might be exploited by a cybercriminal, etc.

Monitoring and probes: the challenges

The goal is to respond as quickly as possible when a risk is confirmed in order to limit business interruption and financial loss. We use powerful technology to monitor your IT system, the data flow management, and how all of your company’s apps and digital tools are running.

Outsource the management of your IT equipement

We understand how time-consuming it is for you to manage your stock of IT equipment, so we offer you to outsource it and entrust us with your network monitoring. With a responsive partner at your side, you will gain flexibility and benefit from the best tools thanks to our IT monitoring software.

At OTO Technology, we have certified behavior analysis experts in order to detect and block insider threats in your IT infrastructure. We monitor your devices and the probes placed in our monitoring tools will report incidents if any.


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Advantages of monitoring and probes

Nowadays, anything you do online leaves traces, hence the importance of making sure no one uses your data. Monitor your IT tools is critical, so let’s take a look at the advantages offered by such a solution.
Thanks to the inspection of your IT structure, we monitor alerts on our tools to predict any network failure. The goal is to protect you from any business interruption and the consequences of such a situation (loss of turnover, loss of credibility with your partners, etc.). We find the best tailor-made solutions for the durability of your business.
We use technology that enables us to anticipate cyberattacks, human error, or suspicious behaviors. The goal is to protect you from any business interruption and the consequences of such a situation (loss of turnover, loss of credibility with your partners, etc.). We find the best tailor-made solutions for the durability of your business.
We set up probes to have an overview of the situation of your devices in real time. The goal is to help IT managers be more efficient, which is why they are alerted so they can solve potential issues even before end users become aware of them.
Businesses are becoming increasingly vulnerable to breaches in their IT systems which jeopardize their equipment security. We progress and work shoulder to shoulder with you to secure your IT infrastructure in a smarter way and thus limit the risks.

Benefits of monitoring and probes

At OTO Technology, we provide you with customized monitoring of your IT system.
  1. We adapt our tools to your needs and your infrastructure
  2. We monitor your IT equipment performances proactively to detect any breach
  3. You get a quicker response and thus mitigate risks of interruption
  4. We design your future strategy and upgrade your practices to better anticipate risks.

Our technologies

Our monitoring and probes technologies
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